
How to Migrate from Gmail to iCloud without Loosing any Messages

In this tutorial, we’ll show you a quick and easy solution to move your emails from Gmail to iCloud. We’ll walk you through every step so that you can easily migrate from Gmail to iCloud!

 . Email Migration From – To  . How to Migrate from Gmail to iCloud without Loosing any Messages

When making the switch from Gmail to iCloud, it’s a common requirement to move your existing messages over to iCloud as well. But how can you achieve this goal without loosing any messages or creating data chaos in one of your mailboxes? In this tutorial, we’ll show you our tried-and-tested approach that has already helped hundreds of email users all over the world to move their emails from Gmail to iCloud.

Advantages of this tutorial:

✅  Fast & reliable email migration to iCloud
✅  Solution suitable for beginners and IT experts
✅  No service interruption during the migration
✅  Cloud migration – no need to download / upload your messages

Steps to Migrate Emails from Gmail to iCloud:

If you have any questions, have a look at the FAQ and Troubleshooting section.

Step 01:
Configure your Gmail Account

To be able to migrate your emails from Gmail to iCloud, you need to enable 2-Step Verification for your Gmail account and create an app password. With the app password, you’ll be able to connect your Gmail account with your iCloud account.

Here’s how it works:
1. Log in to your Gmail account at

2. Click on your account icon and select “Manage your Google Account”.

Gmail Migration: Create App Password – Manage Account

3. You’re now in the settings of your Google account. Select “Security” in the left navigation bar.

4. Scroll down to the section “How you sign in to Google”.

5. Make sure, that “2-Step Verification” is enabled. In case it’s still disabled, enable it.

6. Now click on “2-Step Verification” to open the settings.

Gmail Migration: Create App Password – Enable 2-Step Verification

7. Scroll down to “App Passwords” and click on it.

➡️  In case you don’t see the option “App Passwords”, simply open this link.

Gmail Migration: Create App Password – Open App Passwords

8. Now create a new app password. Enter a name for the password (you can use any name that’s easy to remember) and click on “Create”.

Gmail Migration: Create App Password – New Password

9. Google will now show your app password. Copy the password and keep it at hand.
You’ll need it in a few minutes to transfer your emails from Gmail to iCloud.

Step 02:
Setup of your iCloud Account

Now that you’ve set up your Gmail account, it’s time to prepare your iCloud account so that you can smoothly migrate your emails to iCloud:

1. Log in to your iCloud account by clicking on this link. Select “Sign in” and identify with your iCloud credentials.

Create iCloud App Password: Sign In

2. You now see the overview of your iCloud account. Click on “App-Specific Passwords”.

Create iCloud App Password: Account Overview

3. In the overlay, click on “Generate an app-specific password”.

Create iCloud App Password: Generate App-Specific Password

4. Now enter a name that helps you remember why you created the password (e.g. “MailJerry”) and click on “Create”.

Create iCloud App Password: App Password Name

5. Enter the password of your iCloud account and confirm by selecting “Continue”.

Create iCloud App Password: Enter iCloud Password

6. Apple now shows your app password. Copy the password and keep it at hand. You’ll need it shortly to migrate your messages from Gmail to iCloud.

Create iCloud App Password: Copy Password

Step 03:
Move your Emails from Gmail to iCloud

After completing step 1 and step 2, you should have two app passwords: One for your Gmail account and one for your iCloud account. Next, we’ll show you how to start the migration so that all your messages are moved from Gmail to iCloud:

1. Download the email migration software “MailJerry” or simply start your migration in the browser.

2. Open the software and enter your email address.

3. Click on “New Migration”.

4. In the section “Existing Address”, enter the following data:

  • Account Type: Gmail
  • Username: Your Gmail email address
  • App Password: Your Gmail app password

5. In the section “New Address”, enter the following credentials.

  • Account Type: iCloud / Apple
  • Username: Your iCloud email address
  • App Password: Your iCloud app password

6. Now click on “Check Settings”.

Migrate from Gmail to iCloud: Enter Credentials

7. After your credentials were successfully checked, you’ll see an overview of your migration from Gmail to iCloud.

If you wish to, you can enable multiple options like the auto sync feature (see FAQ) or only move emails within a certain date range. If everything looks good, start your migration by clicking on “Start Your Migration”.

Migrate from Gmail to iCloud: Migration Summary

8. Your messages are now being moved from Gmail to iCloud. Wait until the migration is finished and you’re done!

Migrate from Gmail to iCloud: Move Emails to iCloud
How to Sync Accounts After the Migration:

In case you wish to use your Gmail account during the migration, simply enable the auto sync after the migration finished. The auto sync regularly updates your iCloud account so that new emails received in your Gmail account are moved to your iCloud account:

1. Go to “Overview” and click on your migrations.
2. Scroll down to “Options” and enable “Automatically synchronize emails for 10 days”.

Migrate from Gmail to iCloud: Enable Autosync

"My mailbox migration is complete and and MailJerry outperformed all the migration softwares in the market. Highly recommendable!"

MailJerry Subscriber, United Kingdom


To migrate your emails from Gmail to iCloud, follow these three steps:

  1. Create an app password for your Gmail account.
  2. Create an app password for your iCloud account.
  3. Connect both accounts using our email migration tool “MailJerry” and start your migration.

Migrate from Gmail to iCloud:
Frequent Questions

How can I keep my Gmail and iCloud account synced?

After the initial migration, you can automatically move all newly received emails from your Gmail account to your iCloud account. To do so, go to “Overview” in the MailJerry app, select your migration and scroll down to “Options”. Here, enable “Automatically synchronize emails for 10 days”.

➡️ If you wish to sync your data for more than 10 days, simply use the backup mode instead!

Can I delete my Gmail and / or iCloud app password after the migration to iCloud?

Yes, if you do not wish to use the auto sync or the backup mode to keep your accounts synced, you can delete your app passwords once the migration from Gmail to iCloud is done. If you wish to keep your accounts synced, you need to keep the app passwords for as long as you wish to sync your accounts.

How can I speed up my migration?

Since Gmail applies bandwidth limits to migration from or to Gmail, it can take some time for large mailboxes to move all emails from Gmail to iCloud. To speed up the migration, you can enable the option “Ignore Google Bandwidth Limits” when entering your account credentials. If you do so, MailJerry will ignore the bandwidth limits and migrate your data as fast as possible.

I enabled the “Ignore Bandwidth Limit” option and my migration failed. What should I do?

Sometimes, Google disconnects accounts that ignore its bandwidth limits. But don’t worry: If this happens, simply start the migration again. This time, disable the “ignore bandwidth limits” feature.

When starting the migration again, it might take a little longer until you see the migration summary, since MailJerry has to identify which messages have already been migrated. Once you start the migration, MailJerry will resume where the initial migration stopped so that you don’t loose any progress you made so far.

Does MailJerry migrate my Gmail labels to iCloud?

Yes! MailJerry automatically converts Gmail labels into folders during the migration.

I still have questions regarding my migration from Gmail to iCloud. Can you help me?

Sure! Simply have a look at our FAQ page. Here, you’ll find answers to all frequent questions.