
Email Migration Announcement Template: Efficiently Communicate With Your Client

The most time consuming task when performing an email migration? Communicating with clients. But we’ve got you covered: Copy our email migration announcement template and you are done in no time!

 . Email Migration for Professionals  . Email Migration Announcement Template: Efficiently Communicate With Your Client

Do you want to make sure your email migration goes smoothly? Use our tested email migration announcement templates to keep your clients informed about the process and address any questions they might have!

Keep in mind that some clients might feel a bit anxious about changes to their email system, so it’s always a good idea to be proactive and reassure them. With these templates, you’ll be well on your way to a successful email migration.

Email Migration Announcement Template to Send Before the Migration

Using the following email migration announcement templates will help you make sure that you have all the necessary data before beginning the email migration. Not only do these templates keep your clients informed about what to expect during the migration process, but they also help you complete the process quickly and efficiently!


Template: Request Access Data without Domain Access

ℹ️ Use this template if no custom domain name is involved. And don’t forget to download the checklists!

Dear Client,

As we previously discussed, we are planning to migrate your email data to a new webspace/server. To initiate this process, we require access data for the affected email accounts.

Kindly fill out the attached form “Checklist-Email-Migration.pdf” and return the PDF to us. Once we receive the access data, we will inform you about the scheduled date for the email migration.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always here to assist you.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Template: Request Access Data WITH Domain Access

ℹ️ Use this template if a custom domain name is involved. Download the checklists here.

Dear Client,

As previously discussed, we are planning to migrate your email data to a new webspace/server.

In order to do so, we need the access data for the affected accounts. Please fill out the attached form “Checklist-Email-Migration.pdf” and return the PDF to us.

Additionally, we require access to the domain’s admin panel to ensure a smooth transition. Please also fill out the form “Checklist-Domain-Access-Data.pdf” and send it back to us as well.

As soon as we receive both forms, we will inform you about the planned date for the email migration.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Template: Inform About Planned Migration

ℹ️ Use this email migration announcement template to inform your client when you are planning to start the process.

Dear Client,

we will begin migrating your emails to your new webspace /server on XXXX-XX-XX.

ℹ️ Please note that you can continue using your current email accounts without any interruption during the migration process.

The following mailboxes will be migrated:
[insert the list of mailboxes]

Here’s how the migration process will work:
1. We’ll initiate the email migration.

2. As soon as the migration is complete, we will notify you and send you the access data for the new mailboxes.

3. All you have to do is add the new mailboxes to your email client (e.g. Outlook, Apple Mail…) and remove the old accounts.

IMPORTANT: You can continue to use your existing email accounts as normal during the migration process. No data will be lost.

➡️ We will contact you once all your data has been successfully migrated.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

How to Transfer Mail Address: Free Checklists
Download the email migration checklist & domain access data form!

From Mailbox Creation to Domain Changes: Efficiently Communicate with Hosting Providers

Contacting your client’s hosting provider or server administrator can be tricky if you’re not an IT expert. These email templates make it easier to communicate with IT admins and support personnel. Simply fill out the template and send it to your contact person, or have your client forward the email and keep you updated on the response.

Template: Create Required Mailboxes

ℹ️ Send this email migration announcement template to your client’s provider or IT admin if the new mailboxes have not yet been created and you can’t create them on your own.


Our client [client name] has requested us to migrate their existing email data to your server/webspace. We kindly ask you to create the following mailboxes and provide us with the corresponding access data such as username, password, and mail server name.

Please create the following mailboxes:
[insert the list of mailboxes]

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

Template: Inform About Planned Change of Domain Settings

ℹ️ In case you don’t have access to your client’s domain admin panel, inform the domain admin on which date you’ll need them to perform the domain changes on your behalf.


We’ve received a request from our client [client name] to migrate their email data to a new server/webspace. To accomplish this, we need to update the DNS/MX settings for the domain

Unfortunately, we don’t have access to make these changes ourselves. Could you please help us by making these changes on our behalf? We will send you the necessary records on XXXX-XX-XX.

Please let us know if this is possible for you. Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Template: Request Change of Domain Settings

ℹ️ As soon as you are good to go, send this email to the domain admin and request them to change the DNS / MX records.


As previously discussed, we’d kindly ask you to set the following DNS / MX records for the domain with the lowest possible TTL.

[required MX record, e.g. MX 10]

DNS Records:
[required DNS records, e.g. mail 300 A IP-Address]

Kindly inform us once the changes have been made. Thank you for your support in advance.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

After the Email Migration: Email Templates to Inform Your Client:

Following an email migration, clients typically have a lot of questions. To help address their concerns and guide them through the next steps, use these email migration announcement templates. These templates provide answers to common questions and inform clients about what they should do next.

Template: Migration Completed

ℹ️ Send this email to your client after completing the data migration. For migrations within the same domain, please refer to the additional templates provided below.

Dear Client,

we have completed the migration of the following email accounts to your new server/webspace:

[insert the list of mailboxes]

Please find the access data for your new mailboxes attached to this email.

⚠️ Important: Please start using your new email accounts within the next 7 days. Simply add your new email address to your email client (e.g. Outlook, Apple Mail…) and remove the old account. Your old mailboxes will continue to sync to the new account for 7 days, ensuring that you don’t lose any data in the meantime.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Template: Migration To Same Domain Completed – Use Alternative Mail Server Name

ℹ️ Send this email to your client after completing the data migration but BEFORE changing the DNS / MX records of the domain.

Dear Client,

We have successfully migrated the following email accounts to your new server/webspace:

[insert the list of mailboxes]

Please find the access data for your new mailboxes attached to this email.


1. Add the new accounts to your email client (e.g. Outlook, Apple Mail…), using [alternative mailserver name] as the mail server name.

2. Keep working with the old accounts ⚠️ and do not use the new accounts for email communication.

3. Inform us as soon as you’ve set up the new mailboxes in your email client. We will then change the settings of your domain so new emails are received in your old account.

➡️ You can use the new mailboxes as soon as you receive emails in the new accounts.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Template: Migration To Same Domain Completed – NO Alternative Mail Server Name

ℹ️ Send this email to your client after completing the data migration but BEFORE changing the DNS / MX records of the domain if no alternative mail server name is available.

Dear Client,

We have successfully migrated the following email accounts to your new server/webspace:

[insert the list of mailboxes]

Please find the access data for your new mailboxes attached to this email.


1. Add the new email accounts to your email client (e.g. Outlook, Apple Mail…). You may receive an error message stating that a connection to the new account is not possible. Don’t worry, this is normal. The new accounts will start working as soon as we’ve completed the domain configuration (see step 3).

2. Keep working with the old accounts ⚠️ and do not use the new accounts for email communication.

3. Inform us as soon as you’ve set up the new mailboxes in your email client. We will then change the settings of your domain so new emails are received in your old account.

➡️ You can use the new mailboxes as soon as you receive emails in the new accounts.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Template: Migration To Same Domain – Domain Setup Completed

ℹ️ Send this email to your client after completing the configuration of the domain.

Dear Client,

We are pleased to inform you that the setup of your domain has been completed successfully.

You can now start using your new email accounts and we kindly request you to discontinue using the old mailboxes. You can safely remove them from your email client.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Encounter issues or questions during the email migration? Have a look our list of common problems when migrating emails for clients. Alternatively, check out the following tutorials for additional guidance: